We've organized a comprehensive list of Florida nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Florida city.

The Lakeland / Winter Haven area of Florida is home to several large nursing employers, such as BayCare Health and Lakeland Regional Health. Nurses in the metro area are competitively compensated. Local certified nursing assistants (CNAs) earn a median annual salary of $23,260. Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) earn $38,380 per year, and registered nurses (RNs) take home $57,700 annually. If you’re considering joining the nursing profession in Lakeland or Winter Haven, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with these three nursing roles and their education pathways.

If you are considering joining Jacksonville’s nursing profession, you may find yourself initially bewildered by the array of nursing roles available. Below we review in detail each major nursing role and its educational prerequisites.

The most iconic nursing role is the registered nurse (RN). Registered nurses dispense medication, carry out medical procedures, and lead teams of junior nurses in providing bedside care to patients. Florida’s RNs must pass the NCLEX-RN national licensure exam after completing a state-approved associate’s or bachelor’s degree program.

Are you considering enrolling in a nursing program in Tallahassee, Florida? Below are some top local nursing schools you may wish to consider.

Tallahassee Community College
Tallahassee Community College offers a PSAV Certificate that qualified graduates as certified nursing assistants (CNAs) upon successful completion of the program. Applicants must possess a high school diploma or GED to apply to this limited-access program.

Lively Technical Center

Everyday practice as a nurse can be as exciting as it is varied. However, there may come a time when you find yourself in search of greater autonomy and responsibility in the workplace. Or perhaps you’re seeking a specialized role in advanced fields like family practice nursing, nursing administration, or nurse midwifery. What is the next step to achieve these goals?