We've organized a comprehensive list of Florida nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Florida city.

Plantation, Florida,is part of the Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach-Deerfield Beach metropolitan area, which is home to approximately 14,800 registered nurses (RNs), 2,860 licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and 5,310 certified nursing assistants (CNAs). RNs in the area are highly educated, typically holding a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) or a master of science in nursing (MSN) in a specialized area. BSN and MSN programs are offered at local nursing schools such as Nova Southeastern University and Keiser University.

Margate, Florida, has a thriving nursing industry, with more than 24,000 nurses working in the metropolitan area. The most common roles in the area include registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), and certified nursing assistant (CNA). Margate, Florida, RNs typically hold an associate of science in nursing (ASN), associate degree in nursing (ADN), bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) or master of science in nursing (MSN). A license is required in all states. ASN and BSN programs are offered at American College of Health & Sciences.

If you want to qualify for the best nursing jobs, you can start by enrolling in a program at one of the best nursing schools in Lauderhill, Florida. Just a few include Siena College of Health and Carleen Health Institute of South Florida – Lauderhill. Graduates of these and other top programs in the metropolitan area often hired by major employers such as Plantation General Hospital, Holy Cross Hospital, and Northwest Regional Hospital, to name a few.

Florida is home to more than 324,000 nursing professionals working in all roles. Of this figure, more than 2,200 live and work in the Inverness-Homosassa Springs, metropolitan area. The most common roles in the area are registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), and certified nursing assistant (CNA). Many of these nurses earned their certificate, diploma or degree at a local school. College of Central Florida - Citrus County, Taylor College, and Withlacoochee Technical College are just a few options.

Homestead is a city in Miami-Dade County, Florida, located between Biscayne National Park to the east and Everglades National Park to the west. Primarily a Miami suburb, Homestead is part of the Miami-Miami Beach-Kendall metropolitan area, and home to around 68,000 inhabitants. This makes it one of the top 40 largest cities in the state. Because it belongs to one America’s top 10 largest counties and one of Florida’s largest metro areas, Homestead offers numerous opportunities to work in thriving industries such as healthcare.

Fort Myers is home to more than 77,000 inhabitants, making it one of the top 40 largest cities in Florida. Nearly a third of the population is age 45 and older, with 20 percent of this group ranging from 55 to 85 or older. The city’s aging population, along with an increase in the demand for healthcare services (including an increased emphasis on preventive care), is expected to fuel heavy growth in the healthcare industry in Florida for years to come.