We've organized a comprehensive list of California nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LVN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major California city.

Orange County is home to an impressive 18,510 registered nurses (RNs), 8,450 certified nursing assistants (CNAs), and 6,120 licensed vocational nurses (LVNs). These professionals earn some of the most competitive salaries in the healthcare industry. Orange County-based RNs average $85,400 per year, LVNs average $48,690 per year, and CNAs average $27,450 per year.

California’s Inland Empire is home to an impressive 23,610 registered nurses (RNs). The area, which consists of cities such as Ontario, Riverside, and San Bernardino, is also home to 6,140 licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) and 8,160 certified nursing assistants (CNAs). While opportunities for nurses are plentiful in Ontario, the field is still very competitive.

Oakland is located in California’s East Bay area, and it is the eighth-largest city in the state. The East Bay is home to 20,070 registered nurses (RNs), 7,280 certified nursing assistants (CNAs), and 4,260 licensed vocational nurses (LVNs). These professionals earn some of the highest salaries in the healthcare field. East Bay-based RNs earn an average of $127,930 per year, LVNs average $61,700 in annual salary, and CNAs earn $34,180 annually.

If you are interested in becoming a nurse in Modesto, California, you’re in luck. The city of more than 200,000 residents offers some of the highest nursing salaries in the United States. Modesto’s 3,670 registered nurses (RNs) earn an average annual salary of $104,180 per year. The city’s 600 licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) average $54,770 per year, while its 740 nursing assistants (CNAs) average $25,120 per year.

Merced is home to a small community of registered nurses (RNs), licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), and nursing assistants (CNAs) that make a big impact on the city’s healthcare scene. With just 790 RNs, 240 LVNs, and 560 CNAs, hospitals and health centers such as Mercy Medical Center, Sutter Health Memorial Hospital, and Children's Hospital of Central California are able to deliver exceptional healthcare to a population of more than 80,000.

Long Beach, California is in Los Angeles County, which is home to a noteworthy 69,610 registered nurses (RNs), 20,010 licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), and 31,030 nursing assistants (CNAs). While opportunities for nursing professionals are plentiful in Long Beach, the area’s top employers are very selective. This means you’ll need the right amount of education, training, and experience, plus a license and/or certification.

A master of science in nursing (MSN) is the best degree option for professional nurses looking to advance their careers. While a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) can lead to advancement opportunities as well, an MSN or higher is highly desired by hospitals, universities, and other medical facilities seeking skilled administrators, educators, and managers. Most MSN programs require 18-24 months to complete.

The East Bay region, which includes Fremont, Hayward, and Oakland, is home to 20,070 registered nurses (RNs), 7,280 certified nursing assistants (CNAs), and 4,260 licensed vocational nurses (LVNs). These professionals earn some of the highest salaries in the healthcare field. Hayward-based RNs average $127,930 per year, LVNs average $61,700 per year, and CNAs average $34,180 per year.