We've organized a comprehensive list of Colorado nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Colorado city.

The state of Colorado offers some excellent accredited nursing schools that provide students with high-quality training. A career in nursing offers many possible paths. You might start out as a nursing assistant, or perhaps choose to become a licensed practical nurse and then a registered nurse. Following this, it’s possible to specialize in a particular area, such as nursing anesthesia, midwifery, or nurse practitioner.

Nurses play a crucial role in the healthcare system. They care directly for patients while providing essential assistance to doctors and other medical professionals. The job scope of nurses is wide-ranging; prospective nurses can in fact choose one of three different education pathways. Nurses of all stripes can expect to find ready employment with Denver’s major healthcare providers like Centura Health and Lifecare Hospital.

Prospective nurses in Boulder, Colorado, can embark on one of three education pathways. Students may choose to pursue licensure as either a certified nursing assistant (CNA), licensed practical nurse (LPN), or registered nurse (RN). After passing the relevant state or national examination, nurses can seek employment with Boulder’s major hospitals and healthcare providers, such as Avista Adventist Hospital.

Nurses who want to enter specialized fields like nursing administration, nursing education, and family practice nursing can enroll in a master of science in nursing (MSN) program. An MSN is a graduate program for registered nurses (RNs), and it is considered an entry-level degree for careers such as nurse educator, nurse manager, and nurse administrator. An MSN is ideal for nurses who wish to deepen their exposure to nursing science and/or to specialize in a particular nursing field.

Healthcare employers’ growing preference for well-trained staff means that there is higher demand for nurses with a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree. The bachelor’s degree prepares nurses for a wide variety of professional roles and graduate study. Students receive a general education in math, humanities, and social sciences while completing coursework like nursing science, research, and leadership. As such, a registered nurse (RN) with a bachelor’s degree has more opportunities for career advancement and higher salary options than one who has only completed an ADN program.

The associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) program prepares students to become registered nurses in any medical facility of their choice. ADN programs equip students with skills to independently provide direct patient care through theoretical and applied instruction in classrooms, simulated laboratories, and clinical settings. These programs are offered in over 20 schools across Colorado, including Front Range Community College, Morgan Community College, and Pueblo Community College. Some campuses also offer evening classes to accommodate students’ busy schedules.