We've organized a comprehensive list of South Carolina nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major South Carolina city.

A licensed practical nurse (LPN) provides basic patient care and can perform all of the duties within the scope of a certified nursing assistant. However, an LPN also fills a number of more advanced healthcare roles. For example, LPNs often insert and remove catheters, dress wounds, insert feeding tubes, administer medicine, give injections, and start intravenous drips. The exact responsibilities of an LPN vary somewhat by state and training.


The primary difference between private and public schools lies in their sources of funding. While public colleges or universities receive the bulk of their funding from the state government, private schools depend on tuition, endowment, and donations from family, friends, corporations, and other outside sources. Although this generally translates into higher tuition costs, private schools tend to be more generous with financial aid to help bridge the gap.

A public college or university is primarily funded by taxes and subsidies from the state government. There are many benefits to attending a public college or university. Perhaps the biggest draw is the considerably lower tuition costs for in-state residents compared to private schools, which depend mainly on tuition and private donors for funding. In addition, public colleges and universities tend to be less selective in admitting students than their private counterparts, making them more accessible.