We've organized a comprehensive list of New York nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major New York city.

A master of science in nursing (MSN) is one of the best degree options for professional nurses looking to advance their careers. While a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree can certainly open some doors on its own, an MSN is preferred by hospitals, universities, and other medical facilities seeking skilled administrators, educators, and managers. Top colleges and universities typically offer the best MSN programs, and they usually require 18-24 months to complete.

Depending on whether you attend a public or private school, the type of degree program, and whether you are a resident or non-resident, nursing school can range from quite affordable to very expensive. While there are too many factors involved to provide a precise cost for nursing school, we can offer a range that will be useful during your search.

New York is home to some of America’s most sought-after private schools. Elite institutions like Columbia University and New York University (NYU) have garnered international reputations in a number of educational disciplines. Thankfully, many of the state’s top private institutions are also the nation’s leading nursing schools. In addition to NYU and Columbia, some of the top private nursing schools in New York are Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, University of Rochester, and St. John Fisher College in Rochester.

The state of New York is home to the largest comprehensive university system in the United States: the State University of New York (SUNY). The state is also home to the celebrated City University of New York system or “CUNY.” Public nursing school education in New York offers benefits that go beyond each system’s stellar reputation. For starters, public universities in the state (and across the US) cost less. Public universities are primarily funded through state government subsidies, so New York State residents will pay an average tuition of under $7,000 per year.