If you aspire to become a nurse, the fastest way to launch your career is to pursue an associate's degree in nursing (ADN) at a community college or technical school. Usually, associate's degrees take two years to complete for full-time students. Alternatively, many schools also have part-time programs and offer night classes. Although this approach takes longer to complete, taking classes part-time is an excellent option if you are working to put yourself through school. Tuition at community colleges is usually less expensive than at four-year universities.

Licensed practical nurses are more qualified and have more responsibilities than nursing assistants, but they still work under the authority of registered nurses and doctors. Along with nursing assistants, LPNs provide for their patients' most basic care, helping with everyday needs such as eating and getting dressed. However, unlike nursing assistants, LPNs are also responsible for more technical medical care, such as changing bandages, administering medications, checking vital signs, and monitoring patients' symptoms.

Fort Wayne, a historic business and educational hub in northeastern Indiana, is home to some of the state’s top colleges and universities with nursing programs, aimed at providing aspiring nurses with a rewarding career path. As the second largest city in Indiana, Fort Wayne is a great place to start a nursing career, with demand for nurses growing steadily and expected to increase by 22% by 2018.

Job prospects for nurses in Evansville, Indiana, are promising at the moment, with the demand for nurses expected to increase by 22% in the next five years, faster than the projected trend across the country. For anyone interested in pursuing a nursing career in the state, the first step is to enroll in a school that offers the training and preparation for the specific role you want.

The cost of college tuition in the US largely depends on two factors: whether a university is public or private, and whether the degree you’re pursuing lasts two years or four. Besides tuition, the overall cost of higher education includes many more expenses, like the room and board often charged by four-year universities. Two-year colleges often do not include this fee since most students live off campus, and state universities may offer substantial discounts for in-state residents.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in nursing, earning a bachelor’s degree will best set you up for success. Employers in Kansas, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs, Newton Medical Center, and KVC Health Systems, are always looking for registered nurses with an extensive education. One of the best places to work towards a bachelor’s degree in nursing is a public college or university. These institutions offer all the benefits of a four-year college education while costing less than private schools.