We've organized a comprehensive list of Kentucky nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Kentucky city.

Owensboro is the county seat of Daviess County, Kentucky, where healthcare is the fourth-largest employer. The industry brings in 6% ($243 million) of the county’s gross product, and the workforce is nearly 5,000 strong. Nurses lead the way. The Owensboro metro area is home to 60 nurse practitioners (NPs), 890 registered nurses (RNs), 290 licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and 570 certified nursing assistants (CNAs).

The Huntington-Ashland metropolitan area is home to more than 8,000 nursing professionals. Most nurses in this metro area earned their degree or certificate at a local college or university. The region is full of top-notch nursing schools, including Kentucky Christian University, St. Mary’s School of Nursing, Marshall University, Ohio University Southern, and Ashland Community & Technical College. Collectively, these schools offer nursing programs at all degree and certificate levels.

In the healthcare field, employers tend to favor their most educated applicants in the hiring process. That means your best chance of getting hired as a registered nurse (RN) is to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Although you can become an RN with just an associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree will help you stand out in a field of other highly qualified applicants.

The healthcare field is growing rapidly and there aren’t enough people to fill all of the jobs out there. With a field that wide open, there is plenty of opportunity for you to launch a career as a registered nurse (RN). It only takes two years to complete an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN), which will prepare you for the NCLEX-RN national licensure exam. After you complete the ADN and pass the exam, you’re ready to start nursing.

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) often provide for their patients’ basic everyday needs, but they have more responsibility for their patients’ medical care than nursing assistants. As an LPN, you might help a patient eat, bathe, or get dressed, but you would also perform tasks like changing bandages, checking vitals, administering medication, and drawing blood.