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A successful nursing career in Florence, South Carolina, starts with a degree, diploma, or certificate from an accredited school. Fortunately, Florence is home to several schools that collectively offer a broad range of nursing programs. A good example is Francis Marion University. The school offers a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) and a master of science in nursing (MSN) with nurse educator and family nurse practitioner specializations. The school also has nursing programs for veterans and those seeking a second baccalaureate degree.

If you would like to start a nursing career in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area, you will need a degree or certificate from an accredited nursing school. Fortunately, the metro area of more than 230,000 residents is home to several accredited schools with highly regarded nursing programs. North Dakota State University in Fargo offers bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) and doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree programs. The university also has a BSN track for existing registered nurses (RNs), called an RN-to-BSN completion program.

The so-called "Twin Ports" of Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin, are located along the western shores of Lake Superior. Together, they form a large metropolitan area of approximately 280,000 inhabitants. Aspiring nurses in the Twin Ports area can start their careers with a certificate, diploma, or degree from an accredited local nursing school.

A successful nursing career in Dover, Delaware, begins with a certificate or degree from an accredited nursing school. Fortunately, the metropolitan area of 160,000 residents is home to a number of accredited schools collectively offering a broad range of nursing programs. A good example is Wesley College. The school offers a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), a master of science in nursing (MSN), and a post-master’s certificate in nursing education that prepares graduates to sit for the National League for Nursing Certification Exam for Nurse Educators.

A rewarding nursing career begins with a degree or certificate from an accredited nursing school. Fortunately, the Crestview-Fort Walton Beach metro area of 260,000 inhabitants is home to several highly regarded nursing programs. Northwest Florida State College offers an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) program for aspiring registered nurses (RNs). The school also provides a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) pathway for existing RNs, frequently called an RN-to-BSN degree completion program.

Nursing is the largest profession in California. The state is home to more than 430,000 certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs), nurse practitioners (NPs), registered nurses (RNs), licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), and certified nursing assistants (CNAs). In Costa Mesa, many of these healthcare professionals earned their degree at a local college or university, such as Vanguard University, Pacific College, or University of Phoenix’s Southern California campus. Collectively, these schools offer programs for a broad spectrum of nursing roles.

A successful nursing career in Concord, California, begins with a degree, diploma, or certificate from an accredited nursing school. Fortunately, the city of nearly 125,000 residents is home to several schools with highly regarded nursing programs. For example, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts offers a licensed vocational nursing (LVN) diploma program and a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree completion program. Mount Diablo Adult Education has a certified nursing assistant (CNA) / home health aide (HHA) certificate program.

Chico, California, is home to 2,230 registered nurses (RNs), 490 licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), and 920 certified nursing assistants (CNAs). Each nursing role requires a tailored educational program. RNs typically hold an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN), a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), and/or a master of science in nursing (MSN). LVNs must complete an accredited, state-approved certificate or associate’s degree program in vocational nursing. CNAs must finish a brief training program of approximately 100 hours before certification.