For our 2024 rankings of LPN programs, the research team at Nursing Schools Almanac compiled an extensive database of student performance on the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN). Aspiring practical nurses in the United States must pass this examination before they may commence practice. Thus, student performance on the NCLEX-PN exam provides an excellent benchmark for comparing the relative quality of practical nursing programs.
We used our database to calculate each program’s NCLEX-PN pass rate among first-time test-takers. This is the standard program assessment metric reported by the Maryland Board of Nursing and the test’s administrator, Pearson Vue. Whenever possible, we calculated this first-time NCLEX-PN pass rate over an extensive period of time, typically the past decade of student performance. We then used this metric to rank all of Maryland’s LPN programs accordingly.
#1: Hagerstown Community College
100.0% first-time NCLEX pass rate11400 Robinwood Drive
Hagerstown, Maryland 21742
http://www.hagerstowncc.edu100.0% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 17 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#2: Cecil College
98.7% first-time NCLEX pass rateOne Seahawk Drive
North East, Maryland 21901
https://www.cecil.edu98.7% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 8 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#3: Anne Arundel Community College
98.4% first-time NCLEX pass rate101 College Parkway
Arnold, Maryland 21012
https://www.aacc.edu98.4% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 13 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#4: College of Southern Maryland
98.4% first-time NCLEX pass rate8730 Mitchell Road
La Plata, Maryland 20646
https://www.csmd.edu98.4% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 6 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#5: Carroll Community College
98.1% first-time NCLEX pass rate1601 Washington Road
Westminster, Maryland 21157
https://www.carrollcc.edu98.1% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 11 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#6: Wor-Wic Community College
97.6% first-time NCLEX pass rate32000 Campus Drive
Salisbury, Maryland 21804
https://www.worwic.edu97.6% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 37 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#7: Community College of Baltimore County
97.0% first-time NCLEX pass rate7201 Rossville Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21237
https://www.ccbcmd.edu97.0% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 37 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#8: Allegany College of Maryland
94.3% first-time NCLEX pass rate12401 Willowbrook Road SE
Cumberland, Maryland 21502
https://www.allegany.edu94.3% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 14 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#9: Howard Community College
93.3% first-time NCLEX pass rate10901 Little Patuxent Parkway
Columbia, Maryland 21044
https://www.howardcc.edu93.3% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 13 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21#10: Frederick Community College
92.9% first-time NCLEX pass rate7932 Opossumtown Pike
Frederick, Maryland 21702
https://www.frederick.edu92.9% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 8 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2017-18#11: Baltimore City Community College
86.8% first-time NCLEX pass rate2901 Liberty Heights Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
https://www.bccc.edu86.8% first-time NCLEX pass rate
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Average of 8 students graduated per year
Data analyzed from 2011-12 through 2020-21