A significant number of accredited colleges and universities in Memphis offer nursing programs. These programs cover a broad spectrum of nursing roles and career trajectories. It is important for aspiring nurses to consider in advance which role, and thus which educational pathway, is the right fit.
Overview of nursing positions
A certified nursing assistant (CNA) is a junior nursing role that requires the completion of a brief certificate program, usually several months in length. CNAs must then pass a state-administered examination before they begin practice.
A registered nurse (RN) is a more senior nursing role and must hold a degree from a state-approved prelicensure program. Tennessee’s RNs have three options for prelicensure education: associate’s degree in nursing (ADN), bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), or direct-entry master of science in nursing (MSN). Aspiring RNs from all pathways must pass the NCLEX-RN national licensure exam.
Nursing careers in Memphis
Memphis has a broad base of nursing employers. These include non-profit hospitals like Methodist Hospitals of Memphis and Baptist Memorial Hospital, as well as large healthcare provider networks like Tenet Health and Satellite Healthcare.
Memphis nurses earn some of the highest nursing salaries in the state of Tennessee. Nursing compensation grows dramatically with level of education. For example, Memphis’ CNAs and LPNs earn a median annual salary of $23,750 and $39,550, respectively. Registered nurses in Memphis earn about $59,000 per year on average; those with BSNs typically earn top-quartile pay of $69,000 or more. Advanced practice registered nurses, who must hold an MSN, often earn $100,000+ per year.
To help aspiring nurses throughout Memphis, we have compiled below a complete list of colleges and universities in the metropolitan area with accredited nursing programs.