If the financial cost may deter you from attending nursing school, you should consider a public college or university. These institutions are funded by the state government and thus have lower tuition for in-state residents. Below we’ve profiled several of Rhode Island’s best public nursing schools.
Community College of Rhode Island
This college offers both an associate’s degree in registered nursing (RN) and a certificate program in licensed practical nursing (LPN). With 17,000 students, CCRI is the largest community college in New England. The college has a comprehensive employment portal for students to browse potential nursing jobs. Competitive applicants to CCRI’s nursing programs will have a cumulative grade point average of 2.7 or above.
This university offers a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), a master of science in nursing (MSN), and two pathways to a nursing doctorate. The BSN program is open to both students with no previous college study and those with prior study in another major or program. URI’s nursing graduates can pursue employment with major local healthcare providers like Lifespan and Kent Hospital.
Rhode Island College
This college boasts the largest baccalaureate nursing program in the entire state. Additionally, its graduates’ pass rate on the NCLEX-RN national licensure examination is consistently above the state and national averages. Three nursing programs are available for prospective students: a traditional four-year baccalaureate program, an RN-to-BSN program for existing nurses, and an MSN program.
Below we’ve compiled additional information on Rhode Island’s public nursing schools.