A private college or university is an independent institution of higher learning that does not depend on state funds. As a result, these schools usually charge higher tuition fees than public colleges. However, private institutions offer their students several unique perks, particularly smaller class sizes and a prestigious academic reputation. Below we profile three of the best private nursing schools in West Virginia.
University of Charleston
Charleston offers a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) program that qualifies successful graduates to become registered nurses (RNs). This unique program features technology-enhanced classroom facilities and small clinical lab sections with a student-to-teacher ratio of at most 10:1. The program boasts a 100% employment rate for one of its recent BSN graduating classes. The median annual income of a West Virginia RN is $54,210.
Davis & Elkins is a liberal arts college in Elkins, West Virginia. Its associate of science in nursing (ASN) degree merges this liberal arts ethos with professional nursing skills. Upon successful graduation, students can apply for licensure as a registered nurse. The college also boasts that 100% of its nursing graduates are employed within six months, a remarkable achievement.
Wheeling Jesuit University
Wheeling Jesuit offers an undergraduate BSN program as well as a graduate-level master of science in nursing (MSN) program. Students can apply for jobs with major local employers like Davis Medical Center and St. Joseph’s Hospital upon successful graduation from either program.
Scroll down to view a complete list of private nursing programs in West Virginia.