A private college or university does not receive the state government funding available to a public school. As a result, private nursing schools are more expensive than their public counterparts. They carry several distinct advantages, however. Because of their independence, private nursing programs can offer more rigorous coursework and classrooms with fewer students. Professors at private colleges typically have impressive backgrounds that are rich with personal academic achievements. In addition, earning a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree at a private college or university carries enhanced prestige that can lead to better employment opportunities and higher pay.
Overview of North Dakota’s private nursing programs
The University of Jamestown (formerly Jamestown College) is the highest-ranked private college or university in North Dakota. Nursing students can conduct their clinical rotations at prestigious area facilities like Jamestown Regional Medical Center, Anne Carlsen Center for Children, North Dakota State Hospital, Sanford Hospital, and James River Correctional Center. University of Mary and Sanford College of Nursing, both located in Bismarck, are two other private nursing schools in North Dakota with top-tier BSN programs.
North Dakota’s 7,750 RNs earn a median annual salary of over $55,000 per year. However, BSN-educated nurses will often land in the top pay quartile, earning $62,000 or more annually. Besides the facilities listed above, these nurses work in leading healthcare providers across the state, including the Department of Veterans Affairs, St. Alexius Medical Center, Altru Health System, and Cavalier County Memorial Hospital.
If you’re interested in joining the ranks of North Dakota’s RNs, peruse our detailed profile below of the state’s top private nursing schools.