Many of the nation’s top colleges are private. Private colleges typically offer an excellent student-to-faculty ratio, a unique curriculum, and a close-knit school community. Private institutions also tend to be associated with prestige. Private schools are often more expensive than public schools since they are not subsidized by the state government. However, for many aspiring nurses, the benefits of a private school education more than justify the increased cost.

Overview of private nursing schools
Private nursing schools offer an array of programs for aspiring nurses. These include certificate programs for aspiring certified nursing assistants (CNAs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs), as well as degree programs for aspiring registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). A typical CNA program will take just a few months to complete, while RN degree programs may take two to four years to complete full-time. Nevada’s RNs can pursue either an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) or a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). Half-a-dozen private schools in Nevada offer nursing programs, including Kaplan College in Las Vegas, Touro University Nevada in Henderson, and Carrington College in Reno.

Salaries for nurses
Several factors play a role in determining nursing salaries, including level of education, experience, location, and size of facility. Nevada-based CNAs earn a median annual salary of $31,000, while the state’s LPNs earn $52,000 per year. RNs take home more than $78,000 per year, while APRNs can earn $90,000 or more annually.

Start planning your nursing career today. Take a look at our list below of the best private nursing schools in Nevada.

Las Vegas Valley

Chamberlain University - Las Vegas
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Nevada Career Institute
  • Certificate in Practical Nursing
Roseman University of Health Sciences
  • Accelerated Second Degree BSN
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
  • Veteran-to-BSN Pathway
Touro University Nevada
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
School City Programs offered
Chamberlain University - Las Vegas Las Vegas
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Nevada Career Institute Las Vegas
  • Certificate in Practical Nursing
Roseman University of Health Sciences Henderson
  • Accelerated Second Degree BSN
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
  • Veteran-to-BSN Pathway
Touro University Nevada Henderson
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion


Carrington College - Reno
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School City Programs offered
Carrington College - Reno Reno
  • Associate Degree in Nursing