If you’re planning on investing a significant amount of time and money in a nursing degree, a private university will most likely give you the greatest return on your investment. Private schools are often held in higher regard than public universities. The level of education, student retention, and alumni success are all important factors in helping private colleges maintain this status. As a result, a great deal of planning is put into helping each individual achieve his or her professional goals. In their associate's degree programs for registered nursing, both Charter College and Alaska Career College boast small class sizes towards this aim.
Even though the University of Alaska Fairbanks, a public college, is the top ranking university in the state, employers are equally if not more impressed by degrees from private schools. Such institutions are known to produce highly competent graduates because of their higher admission standards, smaller student populations, and thus smaller class sizes. The associate's degrees from Charter College and Alaska Career College, though they are the only degrees offered by private schools in Alaska, will likely be preferred over similar degrees from public universities.