To become a registered nurse (RN), there are two options for pursuing your education: a two-year associate's degree program or a four-year bachelor's degree program. Although associate's degrees are less expensive and take less time, you should know that employers tend to favor more educated applicants. This gives aspiring RNs with bachelor's degrees a significant advantage in the job market over applicants who have only earned associate's degrees.

There are two main options for pursuing a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). The more traditional option is a four-year bachelor's degree program that prepares non-nurses to pass the NCLEX-RN licensure exam. The second, less common, path is for working RNs seeking higher education to improve their job performance and employment prospects. In this case, students can enroll in an RN-to-BSN program with the express purpose of earning a bachelor's degree.

In either case, a BSN will help you stand out in the crowd of applicants when you're seeking an RN job in Kansas. There are 26,940 RNs employed in Kansas with an average salary of $55,780 per year. However, a bachelor's degree may help you land some of the higher-paying jobs, which can offer $66,000 annually or more.

To get started on your path to becoming an RN, peruse the below list of schools with BSN programs in Kansas.

Kansas City

University of Saint Mary
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing: 89.2% NCLEX pass rate (2009 through 2018)
  • Accelerated Second Degree BSN
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
MidAmerica Nazarene University
  • Accelerated Second Degree BSN
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Rasmussen University - Kansas City / Overland Park
  • Accelerated Second Degree BSN
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
University of Kansas Medical Center
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
School Program NCLEX score Time period
University of Saint Mary
Bachelor of Science in Nursing 89.2% 2009 to 2018
Accelerated Second Degree BSN
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Accelerated Second Degree BSN
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Rasmussen University - Kansas City / Overland Park
Accelerated Second Degree BSN
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
University of Kansas Medical Center
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion


Hesston College
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing: 84.7% NCLEX pass rate (2017 through 2021)
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Bethel College
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Newman University
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Wichita State University
  • Accelerated Second Degree BSN
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Hesston College
Bachelor of Science in Nursing 84.7% 2017 to 2021
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Bethel College
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Newman University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Wichita State University
Accelerated Second Degree BSN
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion

Other Kansas cities

Emporia State University
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing: 91.1% NCLEX pass rate (2009 through 2018)
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Baker University
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Benedictine College
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Fort Hays State University
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Kansas Wesleyan University
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Ottawa University
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Pittsburg State University
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Southwestern College
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Tabor College
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Washburn University
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Emporia State University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing 91.1% 2009 to 2018
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Baker University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Benedictine College
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Fort Hays State University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Kansas Wesleyan University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Ottawa University
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Pittsburg State University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Southwestern College
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Tabor College
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Washburn University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion