The Washington, DC, area maintains a high demand for nurses, particularly registered nurses (RNs). These nurses take on responsibilities that typically require a greater level of technical expertise than the more basic nursing duties of bathing patients or changing bandages. As a result, salaries tend to be higher as well: the median pay for RNs in the DC area is $76,310. Some RNs earn even higher salaries, up to as much as $89,000 or more. Over 11,000 people are employed as nurses in the city, and pursuing the right degree can land you in this lucrative career field.

The simplest way to become an RN is to complete an associate’s degree in nursing. One of the most attractive aspects about this degree is that you can complete it in two years. Though these programs are short, they will give you the education you need to become an RN. Many schools offer flexible scheduling, so you can learn on a schedule that works for you, including taking evening classes. Upon successful completion of the two-year program, you will need to pass an exam to become officially licensed.

An important step towards becoming an RN is choosing the program that’s right for you. We’ve compiled below a list of nursing schools in the Washington, DC, area that offer associate’s degrees, so that you can find the one that fits you best.

District of Columbia

University of the District of Columbia
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
University of the District of Columbia
Associate Degree in Nursing