We've organized a comprehensive list of New Mexico nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major New Mexico city.

Las Cruces, New Mexico, is home to more than 2,000 nursing professionals. Some of the most common roles are registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), and certified nursing assistant (CNA). Most Las Cruces-based nurses earned their degree or certificate at a local college or university. The region’s top nursing schools include New Mexico State University, Doña Ana Community College, and Computer Career Center. Collectively, these institutions offer nursing programs at all levels.

The bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) is one of the most desired nursing degrees. It is also one of the most competitive and demanding programs for aspiring nurses. Fortunately, successful completion of a BSN program often leads to better job and career advancement opportunities. Before taking the plunge, it is important to understand what a typical BSN program entails.

BSN programs

Students pursuing higher education in nursing must be fully informed of all costs associated with attendance. Different schools charge different tuition rates, vary in local cost of living, offer a variety of grants and financial aid options, and provide different lengths of nursing programs. Altogether, these characteristics determine the total cost of attending a nursing program at a specific school. Grand Canyon University, for example, is a private university that prides itself on extensive hands-on training while remaining one of the most affordable universities in New Mexico.