We've organized a comprehensive list of Louisiana nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Louisiana city.

If you aspire to become a registered nurse (RN), it could be worthwhile to consider pursuing an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN). ADN programs require relevant courses in hard sciences, such as biology and physiology, and include supervised clinical experiences. They also prepare aspiring nurses to pass the NCLEX-RN certification exam, which is required to start working as an RN.

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) are critical to the healthcare system. They assist doctors and registered nurses (RNs) with everything from records keeping and office organization to providing for the care and comfort of patients. LPNs monitor patients’ symptoms, change bandages, administer medications, and keep doctors and registered nurses informed about any changes in a patient’s condition. LPNs also help to supervise a team of nursing assistants and other support staff.

The cost of college tuition in the US largely depends on two factors: whether a university is public or private, and whether the degree you’re pursuing lasts two years or four. Besides tuition, the overall cost of higher education includes many more expenses, like the room and board often charged by four-year universities. Two-year colleges often do not include this fee since most students live off campus, and state universities may offer substantial discounts for in-state residents.

Louisiana colleges have a wide selection of accredited nursing programs, offering opportunities from specialty degrees to a master’s degree in registered nursing. Many Louisiana universities offer bachelor's degrees in registered nursing, one of the most popular career paths in the state; there are more than 40,000 registered nurses (RNs) statewide, earning a median wage of $60,380 annually.