We've organized a comprehensive list of Alabama nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Alabama city.

Private colleges and universities are institutions of higher education that are not financially supported by taxes or other public funds; they are instead entirely funded through private monies. Like their public counterparts, private colleges and universities offer a wide variety of traditional two-year and four-year nursing programs, with the added benefits of smaller class size and greater prestige. Smaller class size improves the educational experience by enabling personalized assistance and educative care.

Public colleges and universities are institutions of higher education that are financially supported by taxes or other public funds. Alabama's two largest public educational institutions are the Alabama Community College system and the University of Alabama system. Public colleges and universities offer a wide variety of traditional two-year and four-year nursing programs, and they typically charge lower tuition for state or county residents than private institutions.

The path to a lucrative career in nursing in the state of Alabama begins with obtaining the proper education and training at an accredited nursing school. The state, which is home to an impressive population of more than 80,000 nursing professionals, also requires licensing, registration and/or certification, plus continuing education for every nursing career path. Some of the most common nursing career paths include certified nursing assistant (CNA), licensed practical nurse (LPN), and registered nurse (RN).