If you would like to launch your nursing career in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, you’ll need a degree or certificate from an accredited nursing school. Fortunately, the region of more than 215,000 inhabitants has several accredited schools that prepare graduates for a career as a registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), or certified nurse assistant (CNA). For example, Cape Cod Community College offers an associate of science in nursing (ASN) degree program that prepares graduates for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School has an LPN certificate program that prepares graduates to sit for the NCLEX-PN. The school also offers a state-certified CNA program.

Registered nurses make up the nation’s largest healthcare occupation, with a growing population of more than 2.75 million nationwide. The Cape Cod region is home to 2,880 RNs, with a robust average annual salary of $83,750. Highly qualified RNs, including bachelor’s and master’s degree-holders, can earn $110,000-$120,000 or more per year. Registered nurse employment is expected to grow 16% over the next decade.

CNAs comprise the second-largest healthcare occupation, with a population of more than 1.4 million nationwide. Cape Cod is home to 1,680 CNAs who earn almost $30,000 per year on average, with the top performers taking home over $41,000 annually. Expected employment growth for CNAs is a strong 18% over the next ten years.

Practical nurses number nearly 720,000 professionals across the United States. Cape Cod has approximately 630 LPNs, with an average annual salary of nearly $60,000. The top local earners can receive $70,000-$90,000 in annual pay. LPN employment will grow 16% in the next decade.

Besides competitive salaries and a strong employment outlook, Cape Cod nursing graduates have numerous opportunities to work at major regional hospitals. The Cape’s largest healthcare facilities include Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Falmouth Hospital, and Cape Cod Hospital.

Below is a list of nursing schools in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, that offer accredited programs in this fast-growing career path.

Cape Cod nursing schools by NCLEX score

Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School
220 Sandwich Road | Bourne, Massachusetts 02532
  • Certificate in Practical Nursing: 92.2% NCLEX pass rate (2011 through 2020)
Cape Cod Community College
2240 Iyannough Road | West Barnstable, Massachusetts 02668
  • Associate Degree in Nursing: 86.8% NCLEX pass rate (2011 through 2020)
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School Certificate in Practical Nursing 92.2% 2011 to 2020
Cape Cod Community College Associate Degree in Nursing 86.8% 2011 to 2020