Idaho has a steadily growing population and an expanding healthcare system, meaning that registered nurses (RNs) will be in high demand in the years to come. If you aspire to become a registered nurse, it could be worthwhile to consider pursuing an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN). Associate’s degrees in nursing only take two years to complete, and programs are offered at most community colleges. This makes the ADN the quickest and most affordable way to launch your career as an RN.

RNs who only have associate’s degrees do tend to earn less than those who have earned bachelor’s degrees. However, it has become common for nurses to get their careers going through the quick and affordable ADN program, then to continue their education through part-time RN-to-BSN programs. This route would enable you to work as an RN while you continue to better your education.

There are also special ADN programs available for already employed licensed practical nurses (LPNs) who wish to pursue more focused studies leading to career advancement. Like the RN-to-BSN program, these programs are available part-time, offer evening classes, and are generally tailored to allow nurses to work and study concurrently.

Registered nurses in the state of Idaho find work in hospitals, extended care facilities, doctors’ offices, and in a number of other medical facilities, and typically earn between $50,760 and $69,530 per year.

If you are an aspiring registered nurse in Idaho, take a look at the below list of the best associate’s degree in nursing programs in the state.


Carrington College - Boise
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
College of Western Idaho
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Carrington College - Boise
Associate Degree in Nursing
College of Western Idaho
Associate Degree in Nursing

Other Idaho cities

Brigham Young University - Idaho
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
College of Southern Idaho
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
Eastern Idaho Technical College
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
Idaho State University
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
Lewis-Clark State College
  • Associate of Applied Science in Practical Nursing
North Idaho College
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Brigham Young University - Idaho
Associate Degree in Nursing
College of Southern Idaho
Associate Degree in Nursing
Eastern Idaho Technical College
Associate Degree in Nursing
Idaho State University
Associate Degree in Nursing
Lewis-Clark State College
Associate of Applied Science in Practical Nursing
North Idaho College
Associate Degree in Nursing