After working for years in the healthcare industry, many registered nurses (RNs) are ready to advance into different areas of nursing such as administration or management, education or clinical specialist. Though they may already possess a tremendous amount of hands-on experience, RNs seeking advancement will also need an advanced degree such as a master of science in nursing (MSN). Certification in their chose specialty is also required.

For RNs who already hold an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN), bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), or a diploma in nursing, many schools offer special programs that allow them to move straight into a master’s program, enabling them to graduate in three years or less, full-time. Sample study areas for RN-to-MSN programs include community health nursing, professional nursing practice, and improving nursing practice. Sample tracks include nurse practitioner, family nurse practitioner, clinical nurse leader, nurse educator, and nurse administrator.

Because the RN-to-MSN degree path is so prevalent, some of the nation’s best schools offer top-ranked programs. University of San Francisco, Grantham University, and Rasmussen are just a few.

Graduates of these and other leading programs can expect to earn top dollar in just about every area of advanced nursing. For example, advanced practiced registered nurses (APRNs) such as nurse practitioners earned $107,460 (average) in 2016, while healthcare administrators earned $96,540. High performers averaged $175,170 and $172,240, respectively.

If you want to qualify for a better paying positon, it’s time to enroll in a degree program that can take you there. We’ve compiled below a list of the best online nursing schools for RN-to-MSN degree completion to help you get started.