We've organized a comprehensive list of North Carolina nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN diplomas and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major North Carolina city.

Many of Fayetteville’s major healthcare providers, such as PruittHealth and Amedisys, are looking to employ new nurses. The area has four primary nursing roles, each of which requires a particular set of skills and qualifications. Fayetteville’s prospective nurses should learn more about the area’s work and education opportunities.

Advanced practice registered nurse (APRN)

The Durham / Chapel Hill area of North Carolina is home to over 13,000 nursing professionals. Aspiring nurses can pursue several distinct nursing roles, each of which carries unique qualification requirements.

Certified nursing assistant (CNA)
A number of community colleges offer certificate programs which allow students to qualify as certified nursing assistants. These courses are cost-effective and time-efficient, typically requiring only a few months to complete. Hence, many students begin their nursing careers by qualifying as CNAs.

Public colleges and universities receive subsidies from the state government. Hence, they are able to offer state residents significantly lower tuition fees than private schools. Public institutions are a good option for students concerned about the financial costs of nursing education.

Public nursing schools in North Carolina
Many of North Carolina’s public colleges and universities are very large in size, with student enrollments in the tens of thousands. They are thus well-known by the state’s nursing employers, who hold them in high esteem.