We've organized a comprehensive list of New Hampshire nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major New Hampshire city.

Each aspiring nurse must choose which nursing position is the best fit for her career aspirations. Broadly speaking, nurses can pursue one of three roles: certified nursing assistant (CNA), licensed practical nurse (LPN), or registered nurse (RN). Each role carries a unique job scope and requires a significantly different investment in one’s education.

Certified nursing assistant

A master of science in nursing (MSN) degree program enables its students to prepare for advanced career tracks like nursing administration, nursing education, and family practice nursing. New Hampshire is home to two distinct types of MSN programs. The majority of master’s degree programs prepare existing registered nurses (RNs) to seek licensure as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), with specialized roles like nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, and nurse anesthetist.

New Hampshire’s healthcare industry is experiencing rapid growth, and registered nurses (RNs) sit at the forefront of this change. As U.S. healthcare evolves and grows in complexity, providers are increasingly seeking RNs with at least a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree. With over 12,000 RNs across the state, a BSN degree helps its holder stand out in a pool of applicants. A bachelor’s degree can also result in higher pay: while New Hampshire’s RNs earn about $63,000 on average, BSN-holders often earn top-quartile pay of $77,000 or more annually.

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) provide both bedside care and basic medical care for patients. Bedside care enables sick, injured, and elderly patients to accomplish important quality-of-life tasks, such as bathing, eating, and using the restroom. LPNs are also trained to complete basic medical tasks like recording a patient’s vitals, monitoring catheters and medical equipment, dressing wounds, and administering medications. LPNs are often supervised by registered nurses (RNs), working in tandem to monitor a patient’s health and solve any arising issues.

Nursing education can be quite costly, especially when one factors in the expenses beyond tuition. For example, science and medical textbooks can be very pricey. It’s prudent to budget $800-1,000 per semester for books, although students can save by buying used or renting. Another significant cost factor is living expense, which includes the cost of rent and meals. Students who commute to school can save money by living at home during their studies. Finally, most schools require a handful of additional charges like library fees and parking permits.

Public colleges and universities are schools that generally offer four-year bachelor’s degrees to students across a variety of fields and majors. These institutions are partially funded through state and federal funds, which often results in lower tuition costs for students who live in-state or in-county. They also typically have larger student bodies than their private school counterparts. Because of this scale, public schools are able to offer more resources, a vibrant campus life, and very well-equipped libraries and classrooms.