We've organized a comprehensive list of Alaska nursing schools. Below you'll find information on specific nursing programs such as LPN certificates and ADN, BSN, and MSN degrees. You'll also find a profile of nursing education and careers in each major Alaska city.

Alaska is a great place to start an accessible, well-paying, and rewarding career as a registered nurse (RN). Although it is possible to become an RN through an associate’s degree program, employers strongly prefer to hire RNs with bachelor’s degrees. Earning a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree will not only give you a competitive advantage on the job market, but it also tends to confer higher pay and greater responsibility in the workplace.

Earning an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) is the quickest and easiest route to becoming a registered nurse (RN). Associate’s programs provide aspiring RNs with the training they need to get started on the job, and prepares them to pass the required NCLEX-RN exam. ADN programs are offered at technical schools and community colleges, and only take two years to complete.

Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) assist physicians and registered nurses with general patient care, taking and recording vital signs, maintaining internal health records, helping patients with everyday needs, and keeping physicians and RNs apprised of patients’ changing comfort and well-being. LPNs often work in hospitals, doctors’ offices, extended care facilities, rehabilitation centers, private homes, and in many other environments, giving them great flexibility.

Many factors contribute to the overall cost of earning a nursing degree. Generally speaking, private universities are usually the most costly. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of money you’ll need to pay out-of-pocket. By applying for and receiving grants, such financial supplements can cover as much as half of the total cost of schooling, if not more.

If you’re planning on investing a significant amount of time and money in a nursing degree, a private university will most likely give you the greatest return on your investment. Private schools are often held in higher regard than public universities. The level of education, student retention, and alumni success are all important factors in helping private colleges maintain this status. As a result, a great deal of planning is put into helping each individual achieve his or her professional goals.

Alaska is proud to offer a number of accredited programs for the nursing profession. Both the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Alaska's Institute of Technology offer certificates for nursing assistants, normally completed over the course of several weeks. As an entry-level position, nursing assistants receive a basic education in the field and earn $35,000 per year on average. Many nurses choose to begin their career in this way and gradually move on to more advanced positions.