While attending nursing school can be costly, there are numerous ways students can manage the costs of a quality education. It is particularly important to remember that tuition, the largest cost component of nursing education, varies significantly according to one’s choice of school and program.

Factors determining the cost of nursing education
School choice, particularly public versus private, heavily influences the cost of tuition. Schools that receive public funding can have half the tuition cost of their private counterparts, if not lower. Program choice is also critical. In general, longer programs (e.g., a four-year bachelor’s degree) have proportionately higher tuition. Besides tuition, students should also budget the costs of living expenses, books, and supplies. Though these all-in costs may seem prohibitive, most schools offer a variety of financial aid programs. A part-time job can also help students to meet their expenses. Fortunately, most Vermont nursing schools are located in areas near hospitals, which makes obtaining a part-time position much easier.

Career outlook for Vermont’s nurses
The healthcare industry is booming, so job opportunities for nurses are abundant. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average licensed practical nurse (LPN) in Vermont earns about $43,000 per year, while the state’s registered nurses (RNs) earn over $60,000 on average. Vermont’s advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are even more highly compensated: nurse practitioners earn just under $90,000 annually, and nurse anesthetists receive over $140,000 in annual pay.

To make the most informed choice about your nursing education, consult our list below of Vermont’s top nursing schools. We’ve rank-ordered them from most to least expensive.
