If you would like to start a nursing career in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area, you will need a degree or certificate from an accredited nursing school. Fortunately, the metro area of more than 230,000 residents is home to several accredited schools with highly regarded nursing programs. North Dakota State University in Fargo offers bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) and doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree programs. The university also has a BSN track for existing registered nurses (RNs), called an RN-to-BSN completion program. Across the river in Moorhead, Minnesota State University offers an RN-to-BSN pathway, and Concordia College has an accelerated nursing major that may be completed in just 16 months of fulltime study.

Like the country as a whole, most nurses in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area are either registered nurses, licensed practical nurses (LPNs), or certified nursing assistants (CNAs). The region has approximately 3,000 RNs, 1,000 LPNs, and 1,800 CNAs, respectively. These healthcare professionals work at major local hospitals and healthcare centers like Sanford Medical Center, Essentia Health-Fargo, Sanford Children’s Hospital, and Vibra Hospital of Fargo.

The area’s nursing salaries are competitive. Local RNs earn almost $60,000 annually on average. Top performers, including those who hold a BSN or DNP degree, can earn more than $76,000 per year. Fargo-Moorhead LPNs are paid just under $40,000 on average and well over $48,000 on the high end. CNAs earn $28,000 per year on average, $35,000 or more in the top decile.

Start earning the skills you need to secure a nursing position in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area. We’ve compiled below a list of accredited local schools that offer nursing programs at several degree and certificate levels.

Fargo-Moorhead nursing schools by NCLEX score

Concordia College
901 Eighth Street South | Moorhead, Minnesota 56562
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing: 94.4% NCLEX pass rate (2009 through 2017)
  • Accelerated Second Degree BSN
Minnesota State University Moorhead
1104 Seventh Avenue South | Moorhead, Minnesota 56563
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
North Dakota State University
1301 12th Avenue North | Fargo, North Dakota 58108
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
  • Master of Science in Nursing
  • Post-Baccalaureate DNP
  • RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Rasmussen University - Fargo
4012 19th Avenue South | Fargo, North Dakota 58103
  • Accelerated Second Degree BSN
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Rasmussen University - Moorhead
1250 29th Avenue South | Moorhead, Minnesota 56560
  • Associate Degree in Nursing
  • Diploma in Practical Nursing
School Program NCLEX score Time period
Concordia College Bachelor of Science in Nursing 94.4% 2009 to 2017
Accelerated Second Degree BSN
Minnesota State University Moorhead Master of Science in Nursing
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
North Dakota State University Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice
LPN-to-BSN Bridge Program
Master of Science in Nursing
Post-Baccalaureate DNP
RN-to-BSN Degree Completion
Rasmussen University - Fargo Accelerated Second Degree BSN
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Rasmussen University - Moorhead Associate Degree in Nursing
Diploma in Practical Nursing